

目前顯示的是 11月, 2016的文章

閱新聞-操控基因、植入晶片... 用科學「改良」人類好嗎?& 墨西哥風電帶來繁榮 但不是人人有分

We Don't Trust Scientists to Make Us Better/操控基因、植入晶片... 用科學「改良」人類好嗎? 文/Gina Kolata 譯/田思怡 Americans aren't very enthusiastic about using science to enhance the human species. Instead, many find it rather creepy. A new survey by the Pew Research Center shows a profound distrust of scientists, a suspicion about claims of progress and a real discomfort with the idea of meddling with human abilities. The survey also opens a window into the public's views on what it means to be a human being and what values are important.